Procedures in rooms
Due to burgeoning hospital costs, some medical aids have instituted a co-payment requirement to the hospital for certain procedures performed in a hospital theatre. This can range from R500-R5000 depending on the medical aid. The medical aids have however offered to waive any such fee if these procedures are performed in a procedure room. Gastric and Colonic endoscopy fall within this group of procedures.
Therefore, we now offer performing both gastroscopy and colonoscopy procedures at our own procedure rooms, providing a cost saving to our patients. All procedures are performed with conscious sedation in the presence of a trained Anaesthetist and Trained Nurse, allowing for a comfortable and safe procedure.
Patients will require an initial consultation before a procedure can be performed so that a thorough assessment can be made.
Our team of staff will assist with authorization and all preparation instructions will be provided, should the procedures be required.